Reducing Carbon Emissions

5 October 2021

The heavy rainfall events during July 2021 in Western and Central Europe can directly be linked to human caused global warming (Kreienkamp et al., 2021). Among others, the occurring frequency of such events will increase if global greenhouse gas emissions are not drastically reduced soon (IPCCC, 2021).

Carbon, Capture and Storage (CCS) is considered essential for reaching a sharp reduction of the global CO2 emissions. Capturing CO2, from e.g. point sources, and injecting it in the geological subsurface, permanently isolates the greenhouse gas from the atmosphere.

Pre-feasibility technical studies have been carried out for one of our clients to explore all possible alternatives for CO2 reduction. One of the most important outcome of the study is related to the huge potential for CO2 emission reduction, close to 4Mtons/year. Our conceptual study first assesses the sources and estimates the volumes of CO2. Secondly, we investigate whether any of the injected CO2/H2S could be utilised to generate value. Finally, we aim to provide a first order estimate of the capacity of the system, either by Enhanced Oil Recovery or Disposal.

See also

Geophysics: Seismic Acquisition

Reflection seismology and seismic imaging today is one of the most powerful geophysical methods. It is successfully applied in Geothermal, Petroleum, Mining, and Nuclear Storage exploration.

Geophysics: Seismic Processing

Reflection seismology is commonly recognized as one of the most powerful geophysical methods. Specific exploration targets for Geothermal, Petroleum, Mining or Nuclear Storage industries define unique processing workflow for every acquired seismic dataset.

Well Logging and Log analysis

Stochastic multimineral log analysis is a powerful tool for quantifying rock properties such as mineralogy, porosity, and water saturation in complex carbonate, siliclastic and shale sedimentary basins.