Decoding CCUS: Understanding CO2 storage assessment for safe and effective projects
Carbon Capture Utilisation and Storage (CCUS) plays a vital role in global climate change mitigation efforts, particularly in reducing hard-to-abate […]

Decoding CCUS: The critical role of caprock integrity monitoring
Carbon Capture Utilisation and Storage (CCUS) is at the heart of global efforts to mitigate climate change, offering a way […]

Optimising seismic interpretation: Making the most of phase rotation and paraphase attributes
This article is a practical guide to leveraging common seismic attributes for enhanced geological interpretation, more specifically, how to make […]

Decoding CCUS: Navigating the challenges of CO2 capture and transport
Carbon Capture Utilisation and Storage (CCUS) is at the heart of global efforts to mitigate climate change, offering a way […]

Decoding CCUS: Its role and potential to support Climate Change efforts
Climate change is altering the fabric of our society, dictating our daily lives, consumption patterns, and our relationship with the […]

Mitigating risks of methane accumulations in geothermal projects within Switzerland’s Molasse basin
Methane accumulations are common in the shallow subsurface and can be found when drilling boreholes throughout the Molasse Basin, extending […]

Geothermal: High-resolution 3D modelling
In the global search for renewable and low-emission energies, there is a strong emphasis on geothermal potential and the accurate characterization of known resources.

Oil and Gas : High Resolution Modelling
Several challenges are faced in the development of a reservoir. The reservoir simulation model must accurately predict the past, current, and future performance of the field.

CCUS in Switzerland
This study summarises the results of our first-order conceptual feasibility study. We investigated the concept of injecting and circulating CO2 for geothermal energy production from potential CO2 storage formations in Switzerland.

Maximising productivity through well-intervention activities
Planning and execution of well interventions are paramount to achieving optimal performance after many years of production. Our multi-disciplinary technical […]

Polymer EOR Evaluation on Karstified Carbonates
Waterflooded oil fields can offer additional opportunities to increase ultimate recovery. In-depth understanding of the project and the selection of […]

Maximising Productivity on a Limestone Reservoir
Complex oil and gas fields need innovative technological solutions to maximise productivity. In addition, highly volatile fluid conditions require accurate modelling techniques to evaluate reservoir behaviour under high GOR and predict well production for different scenarios. Hydraulic fractures have been evaluated for a full field model along with other completion designs and presented to the client as part of potential field development options.

Electrical Submersible Pumps (ESPs) in Gassy Oil Wells
A major oil field requires water injection support to maximise production. Completion designs & solutions for ESPs in high GOR wells of this field development have been analysed and proposed to the client

Integrated Sedimentological Studies
Sedimentological and stratigraphic studies provide priceless information on architecture, nature and heterogeneities of sedimentary geological objects (both in surface and subsurface).

Reducing Carbon Emissions
Carbon, Capture and Storage (CCS) is considered essential for reaching a sharp reduction of the global CO2 emissions. Capturing CO2, from e.g. point sources, and injecting it in the geological subsurface, permanently isolates the greenhouse gas from the atmosphere.

Data Base Management
Multi-disciplinary projects involve a large amount of data of various nature that must be securely stored, quality checked and carefully organized to ensure confidentiality and high-quality analyses.

Geophysics: Seismic Processing
Reflection seismology is commonly recognized as one of the most powerful geophysical methods. Specific exploration targets for Geothermal, Petroleum, Mining or Nuclear Storage industries define unique processing workflow for every acquired seismic dataset.

Geophysics: Seismic Acquisition
Reflection seismology and seismic imaging today is one of the most powerful geophysical methods. It is successfully applied in Geothermal, Petroleum, Mining, and Nuclear Storage exploration.

Well Logging and Log analysis
Stochastic multimineral log analysis is a powerful tool for quantifying rock properties such as mineralogy, porosity, and water saturation in complex carbonate, siliclastic and shale sedimentary basins.

Multi-Scale Karstic Reservoir Characterisation
Innovative multi-disciplinary approach (combining bore-hole imagery, core data, 3D seismic and field production) have been applied to better characterize and represent karstic features.

Geothermal Structural Study
The study we performed for the Geneva Geothermal project aims to locate and identify the geometries of the tectonic structures in the Geneva Basin and in the adjacent Jura fold-and-thrust belt.

Deep Geological Repository: Safe Underground Disposal of Radioactive Waste
Ad Terra Energy has been working closely with Nagra (the Swiss National Cooperative for the Disposal of Radioactive Waste) since 2019 to conduct geoscientific investigations in both shallow and deep boreholes to produce detailed analyses of the underground geological environment.