Geophysics: Seismic Acquisition

5 October 2021

Reflection seismology and seismic imaging today is one of the most powerful geophysical methods. It is successfully applied in Geothermal, Petroleum, Mining, and Nuclear Storage exploration. Geological complexity, acquisition in urban areas, budget and time constrains require diligent project planning and execution to achieve specific imaging targets. Ad Terra provides full spectrum of services from survey design to selecting an optimal contractor and project supervision for 2D, 3D and VSP surveys. Current activities include:

Land and Marine 2D/3D seismic surveys

  • Survey design
  • Tender, and service provider evaluation
  • Contract negotiation
  • Equipment Audit
  • Field operation supervision
  • Data QC

Well survey

  • VSP design
  • Tender, and service provider evaluation
  • Contract negotiation
  • Equipment Audit
  • Field operation follow-up

Site surveys (prior drilling operation offshore)

  • Debris survey (Data acquisition)
  • Bathymetry
  • Side Scan Sonar
  • Magnetometry
  • Sub Bottom Profiler
  • Shallow gas hazard assessment
  • 2D/3D High Resolution seismic survey design
  • Tender, and service provider evaluation
  • Contract negotiation
  • Field operation follow-up
See also

Maximising Productivity on a Limestone Reservoir

Complex oil and gas fields need innovative technological solutions to maximise productivity. In addition, highly volatile fluid conditions require accurate modelling techniques to evaluate reservoir behaviour under high GOR and predict well production for different scenarios. Hydraulic fractures have been evaluated for a full field model along with other completion designs and presented to the client as part of potential field development options.

Geothermal Structural Study

The study we performed for the Geneva Geothermal project aims to locate and identify the geometries of the tectonic structures in the Geneva Basin and in the adjacent Jura fold-and-thrust belt.